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Customized bellows

Customized bellows

We manufacture bellows for all types of free-reed aerophone instruments (accordions, harmonicas, bandoneons, concertinas, etc.). The material for the production of bellows (carton, leather, and calico) are imported from Italy. The outside corners are our production from stainless steel or brass. All types and colors of material are offered for configuration.

0 %
Inside colour
P01 - Natur lights paper
P02 - Natur paper
P03 - Natur dark paper
P04 - Natur gray paper
P05 - Edelweis paper
P06 - White cloth
P07 - Yellow cloth
P08 - Green cloth
P09 - Blue cloth
P10 - Dark blue cloth
P11 - Red cloth
P12 - Black cloth
P13 - Camello glossy paper
P14 - Dark gray paper
P15 - Orange cloth
Outside colour
K01 - Silver smooth
K02 - Silver stripe
K03 - White smooth
K04 - White stripe
K05 - Beige smooth
K06 - Gold smooth
K07 - Gold stripe
K08 - Gold dark smooth
K09 - Gold dark stripe
K10 - Brown smooth
K11 - Brown stripe
K12 - Brown dark smooth
K13 - Brown dark stripe
K14 - Black smooth
K15 - Black stripe
K16 - Dark blue stripe
K17 - Blue smooth
K18 - Blue stripe
K19 - Winy smooth
K20 - Winy stripe
K21 - Red smooth
K22 - Red stripe
K23 - Green smooth
K24 - Green stripe
Corner radius
R6 - 35ME
R3 - 35AG
R9 - 35TO
R12 - 40
R15 - 44AP
R16 - 52CH
R20 - 60CH
R23 - 52AP
R25 - 60AP
Corner material
Stainless steel
Old gold
Old silver
Old copper
Corner leather colour
Pattern 1
K00 - None
K01 - Silver smooth
K02 - Silver stripe
K03 - White smooth
K04 - White stripe
K05 - Beige smooth
K06 - Gold smooth
K07 - Gold stripe
K08 - Gold dark smooth
K09 - Gold dark stripe
K10 - Brown smooth
K11 - Brown stripe
K12 - Brown dark smooth
K13 - Brown dark stripe
K14 - Black smooth
K15 - Black stripe
K16 - Dark blue stripe
K17 - Blue smooth
K18 - Blue stripe
K19 - Winy smooth
K20 - Winy stripe
K21 - Red smooth
K22 - Red stripe
K23 - Green smooth
K24 - Green stripe
Pattern 2
K00 - None
K01 - Silver smooth
K02 - Silver stripe
K03 - White smooth
K04 - White stripe
K05 - Beige smooth
K06 - Gold smooth
K07 - Gold stripe
K08 - Gold dark smooth
K09 - Gold dark stripe
K10 - Brown smooth
K11 - Brown stripe
K12 - Brown dark smooth
K13 - Brown dark stripe
K14 - Black smooth
K15 - Black stripe
K16 - Dark blue stripe
K17 - Blue smooth
K18 - Blue stripe
K19 - Winy smooth
K20 - Winy stripe
K21 - Red smooth
K22 - Red stripe
K23 - Green smooth
K24 - Green stripe

Custom pattern
If necessary, you can attach your own pattern in PDF, JPG or PNG format.


A: mm

B: mm

C: mm
Number of folds:



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